Your Mental Health | Mental Health Day 2022

Mental Health 

Your Mental Health | Mental Health Day

 Mental Health 

What is global Mental Health Day?

Since 1992, October 10 has been designated as World Mental Health Day with the goal of increasing public awareness of mental health concerns and making access to mental health treatment a reality for all citizens.(1)

The 10th of October this year falls at a time when the COVID-19 epidemic has drastically altered our everyday life. Thus, "more investment in mental health" is the campaign's main objective for this year's World Mental Health Day.

Anybody can develop mental health problems. It might be a certain time frame or daily. Letting go of the present and the difficult moments is the toughest part. Investing in your mental health: some ideas.

Mental health is something more than just a diagnosis, don’t stigmatise it. Introspect and overcome. The best way out is always through.

daily gratitude journaling and affirmations practice.

Invest in good physical health by working out, eating well, and drinking enough of water.

Meditate. Quit multitasking and focus on being focused and observant.

Eliminate and purge all the negative influences in your environment.

Break up the monotony of life by taking a break. Entourage yourself with upbeat people. Your loved ones will support you through the ups and downs, and they are your greatest assets.

Regaining your power via self-care is possible.

Spend your money on activities instead of social media.

Pay attention to inspirational speakers and thinkers like Sadhguru who impart life lessons.

Look for expert assistance and therapy.

How are you feeling mentally?

Everybody's life is centered on their mental wellness. Whether you realize it or not, your mental health controls everything you do. Some of the things that come to mind are as follows:

  • Work life: Maintaining good mental health can help you handle your duties and carry on with your work in a positive way. You may explore and follow your numerous hobbies and passions in life if you have good mental health. Finding the perfect job for you is key, and a sound mental condition will enable you to do so. Work is fundamental to our life.

  • Relationships: Being in good mental health will enable you to keep up relationships where you are able to speak clearly and express your feelings. In many facets of life, communication is essential, and when you are mentally well, you can bear the strain and emotional baggage that come with relationships. Being aware of your feelings and emotions is crucial for maintaining successful relationships. When you are in excellent mental health, you will be able to communicate these feelings to others. Fulfillment is important so that you don’t find toxic things to fill the void in your life.

  • Better Habits: Developing better habits can help you avoid picking up harmful traits and ways of living, such as making poor decisions about your physical health, associating with toxic people, misusing alcohol, endangering your safety, etc. These negative habits will start to have an impact on your life and set you up for situations where you may be in a truly bad situation, like being unemployed or having health issues. Better habits will enable you to live a happy, healthy life in which your physical health will enable you to accomplish the things you want to do rather than preventing you from doing the things you'd like to.

  • Decision-making: Making decisions is a need in all element of your life. It takes a clear, healthy mind to think clearly and make excellent judgments. Your decisions will mirror your mental condition if it is chaotic and you are in a negative place. Making poor choices might worsen mental health since you'll have to cope with the hole you've created for yourself. Therefore, strong mental health leads to wise choices, which lead to improved life outcomes. You have to choose in every area of your life. It takes a clear, healthy mind to think clearly and make excellent judgments. Your decisions will mirror your mental condition if it is chaotic and you are in a negative place. So, good mental health = good decisions = better life choices = better life.

  • Happiness and a feeling of purpose: When your head is in good shape, you will be able to fully engage with life. Everything is quite difficult for someone who struggles with mental illness to fully appreciate moments and live life since their mind constantly wrecks it. You begin to take less pleasure in life, chase after things that don't matter, and you lose touch with the light of life. Soon enough, you lose yourself as moments and people begin to matter less. You no longer recognize yourself. Therefore, keeping excellent mental health will enable you to experience the present and aid in self-understanding. It will help you understand the meaning of life, your sense of purpose and allow you to be happy. Happiness is something that everyone chases, so good mental health will lead you there.

  • Exploring life: Life is all about taking different roads, trying new things, and having new experiences. The capacity to experience life and be strong mentally.

To be able to balance all the parts of your life, you must have strong mental health. Every individual is complex and juggling a lot of responsibilities. Everyone has had traumatic events of some kind that they may or may not have dealt with. Everybody is surrounded by individuals who are toxic or who have the potential to have a bad impact on them.

Your ability to manage life and enjoy it will be much improved by addressing these issues and developing healthy mental Good. If you have the resources, try to find a qualified therapist to help you increase your self-awareness. Self-awareness results through mindfulness techniques and keeping a close eye on oneself, such as journaling or meditation. Don't be reluctant to invest the time necessary to enhance your Mental health since it will help you achieve where you want to go!

How Can I Develop Mental Strength?

list of 5 things that can help you become mentally strong.


Think for a moment about what you do when you are experiencing unpleasant feelings. When you're depressed, do you curl up in bed and snooze for hours? When you're under stress, do you ever binge? When you're upset, do you grab a bottle and start drinking?

Even while we're all guilty of at least one of those behaviors, none of them are really effective for managing our emotions and processing them in a healthy way. You must thus acquire better coping mechanisms if you want to have a stronger mentality. Try some of these in place of self-medicating or other damaging behaviors:

  • Create a journal entry. Writing down such challenging ideas actually aids in their processing.

  • Take a stroll or a run. You can relax yourself by engaging in physical exercise (without overdoing it), and the endorphin rush will make you feel so much better.

  • Meditate! Purge all negative thoughts from your head and set them away. You'll feel more patient, have less negative feelings, and be better equipped to handle situations.

  • Do Something Constructive & Positive Action

Even if we claim to care less about what other people think, many of us have a tendency to strive to please and seek the favor of others in what we do. Although this is a biological defensive system designed to shield us from the emotional anguish of rejection, living a life centered upon pleasing other people won't make you genuinely happy since you won't be living your life authentically the way you want.

Mentally strong people have the courage to act and express themselves in ways that aren't always accepted by others. Try acting and speaking the way you really want to; it won't happen immediately. Inform your buddies if you don't want to spend the evening with them. If "Call Me Maybe" is playing in the bar and you feel like singing along, go ahead and do it. People will admire your enormous balls for truly accomplishing something no one else can since it takes bravery to undertake that sort of stuff, in my experience.


One of the worst things you can do to yourself is to be your own harshest critic because of a little thing called the self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead of condemning and criticizing yourself and anticipating the worst, try to convince yourself to think that you will succeed in all you do. Negative ideas simply set you up for failure.

Take a moment to reflect on those bothersome negative ideas, though, and chances are you'll see that some of them are utterly nonsensical.


People with good mental faculties don't have trouble saying no, which prevents them from taking on too much. You won't have any time for yourself and won't be pleased if you agree to things you don't want to do or whenever someone asks you for assistance or extends an invitation.

To summarize, work on using the word "no" more frequently in your vocabulary. Your body and mind will appreciate it.

  • Recognize toxic mental habits and replace them.

Your thoughts have an impact on how you feel and act. You lose mental energy when you think things like, "I can't bear this," or "I'm such an idiot."

Be mindful of your ideas. It's probable that you'll spot recurring themes and patterns. It's possible that you convince yourself not to do something frightening. Or perhaps you persuade yourself that you are powerless over your life.

Put an end to useless and unreasonable thinking by doing something more beneficial. So, keep in mind, "This is my moment to shine and I'm going to do my best," rather of saying, "I'm going to mess this up." The most important thing you could do to transform your life is to alter the dialogues you have with yourself.

How should we observe World Mental Health Day on October 10?

To commemorate World Mental Health Day, we may post messages on social media to: inform people about mental health issues, encourage healthy activities, or just wish them a nice day. All of these initiatives work to lessen the stigma around mental illness, which helps the millions of people who suffer from mental health conditions worldwide get access to care.

You may also learn more about mental illness, initiate a conversation about the challenges of getting access to mental health treatment, or donate to your neighborhood NAMI chapter. The National Alliance on Mental Illness, or NAMI, offers free support, advocacy, and education to persons with mental illness and the people who care about them.

The Hopeline Text Service, which anybody may use to get help with any problem, at any time, by just texting the word "hope" to 741-741, and waiting for a professional Hopeline counselor to text you back, is the last option. You can choose to advertise this service or simply commit to helping.
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