Get Clean, Drinkable Water Anywhere with the Air Fountain System

• Introduction to the Air Fountain System 

Introduction to the Air Fountain System: The Air Fountain System is an innovative water filtration device created by John Gilmore. It uses a condensation principle to produce clean, drinkable water from the air. It is designed to be portable and easy to assemble, and provide a reliable source of water for those living in areas affected by drought. 
Never worry about water scarcity again with the Air Fountain System!

How the Air Fountain System Works: 

The Air Fountain System works by drawing moisture from the air and transforming it into water. The device then filters the water, removing any contaminants and producing clean, drinkable water. The device is capable of producing up to 50 gallons of water per day, making it an ideal choice for those living in areas affected by drought. 

Benefits of the Air Fountain System: 

The Air Fountain System provides many benefits, including reducing dependence on tap water, providing clean, safe water, and creating a virtually unlimited source of water, even in the driest of climates. The device is also incredibly easy to assemble and use, making it an ideal choice for those seeking to be water independent. 

Tips to Ensure Maximum Efficiency:

To ensure maximum efficiency, it is important to regularly clean and maintain the Air Fountain System. It is also important to regularly filter the water produced by the device and to ensure that the device is placed in an area with high levels of humidity. 


In conclusion, the Air Fountain System is an innovative water filtration device that can provide a reliable source of clean, drinkable water. It is easy to assemble and use, and can produce up to 50 gallons of water per day. Proper maintenance and regular filtering will ensure maximum efficiency. If you're interested in learning more about the Air Fountain System and seeing it in action, watch this video to learn more.

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